5 Best Google Drive Hacks For Teachers | Organization Tutorial

Ever been sitting at your desk, like this, and you go to make a quick lesson plan or double check you have everything you need for an upcoming lesson, and when you go to your Google Drive you lose your ever-loving-shiz trying to find something.

No, no way, not you…

Well if that’s something you’ve experienced, this video is just. For. you.

5 Best Google Drive Hacks for Teachers

  1. Number one, best tip, number your folder AND documents. If you’re like me, you don’t think nor do you organize anything really in alphabetical order. And especially in teaching when so much of content we create goes in a certain time order, the way we organize files should be the same
    1. Show numbering main folders by course (make class you have most preps or will take up most brain space your number 1)
    2. Show numbering folders inside course folders by unit
    3. Show putting asterisks on docs you want at the top
    4. BONUS - make folders and subfolders
  2. Naming conventions - if it’s a...
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Teacher Tech Series Part Four: 3 Tips to Clean up Email

Kids have just left your room, you grab your lunch from the fridge and decide to have a working lunch (because, yes, those are ok to have every once in a while) in the peace and quiet of your empty classroom, and as you sit down and open your laptop, you immediately lose all semblance of peace and quiet when you open your email to find 15 new emails amid your inbox that already has over 200 messages needing your attention.

Among those emails are no less than a few reminding you of past emails you have not responded to yet, and there goes your peaceful and lite working lunch.

Much like we talked about in last week’s episode referring to project management and all the roles we fill as teachers, we are filling the position of around 5 people.  It’s high time we start acting like someone who fulfills 5 positions by using a project management tool, and by streamlining how we handle our email inbox.

After listening to this episode you’ll be ready to tackle what is...

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Organization in the Sustainable Classroom

Today on the Sustainable Teacher Podcast I am excited to welcome Kelly Jackson of Thesimplyorganizedteacher.com so we can chat about something that many of you have resolved to accomplish in 2021.  Many teachers who have participated in our Sustainable Teacher Challenge where we all are challenged to find ways to make our daily teaching lives a bit more manageable, actually set goals around becoming more organized.  Whether you set those kinds of goals or have an interest in getting all things teacher-life a bit more organized, then this episode is for you.

Kelly is a former teacher of little turned Classroom Organization Coach.  She helps busy and overwhelmed teachers create organized, safe, and well-managed classrooms that facilitate effective learning for their students and more time for themselves. She is a Texas girl currently living in Germany. Kelly runs The Simply Organized Teacher, hosts the Simply Teach podcast, and is the creator of The Organized Teacher...

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