Organization in the Sustainable Classroom

Feb 09, 2021

Today on the Sustainable Teacher Podcast I am excited to welcome Kelly Jackson of Thesimplyorganizedteacher.com so we can chat about something that many of you have resolved to accomplish in 2021.  Many teachers who have participated in our Sustainable Teacher Challenge where we all are challenged to find ways to make our daily teaching lives a bit more manageable, actually set goals around becoming more organized.  Whether you set those kinds of goals or have an interest in getting all things teacher-life a bit more organized, then this episode is for you.

Kelly is a former teacher of little turned Classroom Organization Coach.  She helps busy and overwhelmed teachers create organized, safe, and well-managed classrooms that facilitate effective learning for their students and more time for themselves. She is a Texas girl currently living in Germany. Kelly runs The Simply Organized Teacher, hosts the Simply Teach podcast, and is the creator of The Organized Teacher Framework™ course which helps teachers transform their classrooms so they can transform their teaching. 

Without further ado, let’s welcome Kelly to this episode.

Organization in the Sustainable Classroom

Here are the questions that guided our conversation with Kelly. To hear all of her incredible insights and the awesome discussion that ensued be sure to give the episode a listen at the top of this page.

Tell us about you and The Simply Organized Teacher.

How did you get started with The Simply Organized Teacher, what was your motivation?  What need did you see?

My listeners are teachers who, probably listening on their commute to work, are looking for quick and effective ways to get massive impact with kids that doesn’t require tons of research and implementation time.  What are some ways that teachers can get a grasp on the organization of their classrooms?

I am so guilty of trying out a new system and then letting it go, not keeping it up as necessary.  What tips do you have to keep up the motivation to maintain the organization over time?  

Where can people find you on social media and learn more about The Simply Organized Teacher?

There you have it my friends.  Find out more about Kelly and all things teacher organization on her website which is linked in the show notes.  I want to end this episode with a well-known or at least common analogy for productivity and accomplishing a task or goal, like organization, day after day.  Think of your large goal, maybe it’s organization, as an elephant.  And although kind of a morbid question, you ask how do I, a person of average size eat an 8,000 pound elephant?  One bite at a time my friend.  Find your little bit sized tasks today that will help your future self, and take pride in making those small but significant accomplishments.

Real quick before we go, I want to tell you that we have some bonus episodes coming up.  That means that if you subscribe to this podcast you’ll those episodes, but if you’re not subscribed you’ll totally miss them.  So be sure to subscribe, rate and review the podcast so that you don’t miss an episode and so we can reach more teachers with our message of sustainability.  

Where to Find Kelly…

Join in on her Organizational Challenge here.

Learn more about her tips is keeping papers organized.

And check out the course she created for teachers on staying organized when all things went digital here.

For more tips on how to optimize your time and resources so that you can overcome the stifling hustle culture of education today, please join us for the Sustainable Teacher Challenge.

We did the challenge live at the beginning of 2021, but you can still take advantage of all the reflection and intentional planning that happens inside by registering here.  I'll send you an insightful video training and reflection prompts each day in your email inbox, and you can share and collaborate inside of our private Facebook group amongst colleagues. 

Here's what other teachers in the group have shared...


If getting a grasp on your daily teaching life, and having a bit more time for yourself and your family in the evenings is what you're desperate for, then the challenge is for you.

Join us.


Until next time teacher friend,


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