Content Coaching: How to Empower Teachers as the Number ONE Influence on Student Learning

Last week I went on a little tangent, but hope that I spoke some value and confidence into the lives of teachers around their impact on student learning.  Often times teachers are undervalued in our society and totally undercut in their funding and autonomy.

I'm here to say that needs to change, and there are ways to make that change in the education system as it exists.

My mission here at Teach On A Mission is to empower teachers to confidently step into that role as the number one influence on student learning.  And there are very specific ways that I believe we can do that, and that I can help with.  I will elaborate on the few ways I think that can be done given the pressures of the education field today, but for this post I want to focus on just one.  That one is content coaching.

What is Content Coaching?

There are quite a few definitions of content coaching.  If you google the term, you'll get a few results that point you generally in the same...

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