New Year's In Your Classroom: Reflection & Goal Setting

Hey hey Teacher Friends!

I've taken a bit of a break from bringing you weekly content on our blog here at Teach On A Mission, and I've been using that time to do some major reflecting and planning.  Teach On A Mission is approaching its one year anniversary and I'm super excited to see what year two has in store.  In all my reflecting and planning, it got me all in my New Years Resolution vibes and wanting to bring your some good plans and ideas around what reflection and goal setting in your classroom looks like.

In the past few years I have become a huge fan of New Year's.  I have some mixed emotions because I normally cry when the bell drops due to the harsh recognition that time is FLYING by and I'm no spring chicken anymore, but I also love the celebration and, mostly, the reflection that comes with a new year and a fresh start approaching.

Most of us recognize that not just a new year, but a new decade is beginning - it is the ultimate fresh start, and with that...

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